API: Supporting Functions

Supporting Functions for Linear Feedback Shift Register


Get the list of primitive polynomials as feedback polynomials for m-bit LFSR. Only half list of primary primitive polynomials are retuned, not the full list (half list), since for each primary primitive polynomial an image polymial can be computed using ‘get_Ifpoly’ method


m: 1<int<32, if None, list of feedback polynomials for 1 < m < 32 is return as a dictionary


fpoly_list: list of polynomial if m is not None else a dictionary


import pylfsr as PYL
#returns a dictionary of polynomial
polylist = PYL.get_fpolyList(m=None)

#returns list of polynomial for m-bit LFSR
polylist = PYL.get_fpolyList(m=5)

[[5, 2], [5, 4, 2, 1], [5, 4, 3, 2]]


Get image of feebback polynomial Get the image of primitive polynomial

fpoly: polynomial as list e.g. [5,2] for x^5 + x^2 + 1

: should be a valid primitive polynomial


ifpoly: polynomial as list e.g. [5,3] for x^5 + x^3 + 1


import pylfsr as PYL

#returns image polynomial of given polynomial
ipoly = PYL.get_Ifpoly([5, 4, 2, 1])

[5, 4, 3, 1]

dispLFSR(state, fpoly, conf=’fibonacci’, seq=’’, out_bit_index=-1, ob=None, fb=None, fs=25, ax=None, show_labels=False, title=’’, title_loc=’left’, box_color=’lightblue’, alpha=0.5, output_arrow_color=’C0’, output_arrow_style=’h’)

Display LFSR for given state, fpoly and conf.


state: current state of LFSR fpoly: feedback polynomial of LFSR seq: str, output sequence ob: output bit fb: feedback bit ax: axis to plot, if None, new axis will be created, (default None) show: if True, plt.show() will be excecuted, (default True) fs: fontsize (default 25) show_label: if true, will display names title: str, title of figure, default ‘’, title_loc, alignment of title, ‘left’, ‘right’, ‘center’, (default ‘left’) box_color: color of register box, default=’lightblue’


import pylfsr as PYL

PYL.dispLFSR(state=[1,1,1,1,0], fpoly=[5,3], conf='fibonacci', seq='111', title='R1')


Lempel-Ziv Complexity. It is defined as the number of different patterns exists in a given stream.

As an example: s = ‘1001111011000010’ patterns ==> 1, 0, 01, 11, 10, 110, 00, 010 #patterns = 8


seq: as string of sequence, could be binary or any other


lc: number of different patterns in LZ dictionary


Lempel-Ziv patterns. It is defined as a set of different patterns exists in a given sequence.

As an example: s = ‘1001111011000010’ patterns ==> 1, 0, 01, 11, 10, 110, 00, 010


seq: as string of sequence, could be binary or any other


dictionary of all the LZ patterns in given sequence